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Showing posts from June, 2006

Art House Lament

It is a shame for fans of westerns, great film, or Nick Cave that The Proposition has not been given a wider release. It is awesome, and deserves greater attention than it has been afforded. The score, acting, cinematography, sound editing, and direction are all masterful. The script's not bad, either. If you have the chance to see and don't, you will be doing yourself great disservice.

X3 review in brief.

What happened to Nightcrawler? There's no Nightcrawler in this one, and no one says why. You've got hundreds of mutants in this flick, but one of the most important characters in the second movie doesn't once get so much as mentioned? This is the sort of thing you can almost expect X3 to do to itself, and there are moments, at least, where it does just that. The terrible writing and lackluster direction make this not quite worth seeing in the theatre, while it is too special effects driven to be viewed on the small screen. There are some disappointing moments even in that area, where certain characters are given digital skins, and it looks like something from 1999. Outside of that, the movie has the makings of a great camp adventure. Oh, and if you have young children and want to talk to them about issues like racism, homophobia (I wish there were a better, recognizable word for that), self determination, and various other ethical issues, this might not be a poor basis for...