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For those not tuned in to the proper message boards...

I give you my, 'The 10 Reasons Why Is Numbering Confusing'

10) If numbers do not exist as objects in space, where are they?
7) If numbers are in our heads and there are infinite numbers, how come our heads don't asplode?
5) If I call 5 6 I can say 2+3=6, rite?
2) People say age is just a number, like age doesn't mean something, but they treat other numbers as meaningful, even when they're the same, like 50.
12) They don't even teach you number theory in school. This prolly means maths is a hoax like the Pilltdown Man, Zeno's parrot box or Shreddinger's Cat.
6) I can never remember what 7x8 is without adding 7 to 42.
8) People compare the number of stories all the time but sometimes a building's story is 10 feet and other times bigger. If they don't actually have a value, isn't the number of stories meaningless?
7) Pi cannot be eaten whole and it just goes on forever meaning no one really knows what it is.
3) If I divide four slices of pi among zero people, those people get nothing, but maths says those people could get anything, so we shouldn't give it to them. That is mean.
1) Maths is hard. This makes numbering confusing.


  1. I'm disappointed that there were actually 10 reasons.



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