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Have I shared my fear of crows with you?

Crows are ubiquitous, intelligent, and often mean spirited. They have decent memory, can fly, and fashion their own tools. Having been attacked by crows before, seemingly apropos of nothing, I realize the danger they represent. The Birds, man. The Birds.


  1. If you haven't read the Daphne du Maurier original, you totally should. I'd link you to it, but I can't, as it's apparently still under copywrite.

  2. Oh, I have. Probably the best horror I've ever read. Far superior to Hitchcock's hokier adaptation. That said, I do enjoy the movie. That bit (just after the famous playground bit) where a kid smiles as he runs past the camera with a crow pecking at his head is one of the great moments in cinema.

  3. I once heard (probably on TCM, but I don't know for sure) that the ending was originally supposed to feature them driving back to SF, and having thousands of birds sitting along the cables of the Golden Gate Bridge. That would have made it a lot less silly.

    Although, really, considering the limitations of special effects back in the day, there are some really suspenseful parts of the film.

  4. ...weird. I have no clue how it knows who I am. I have a blogger name? How?!?


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