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Being the result of spilt ink.

Everything after that first punch is probably superfluous, but who said you had to be kind in a fight?


  1. I'm digging the way you did the hands on the bottom part. It's got a cool, smoldering sort of texture. Probably not what you intended, but looks like he was punching so fast his hands caught on fire and he's shaking them out.

    I also generally like the style of the bottom ones better. It might be because of the line weights and the textures. I'm not entirely sure. The flow of the guy's body/gesture just looks better to me.

  2. The lower bits were done with a Copic multiliner (like a single use mechanical pen). I was far more adept with it than with the cheap (and breaking) cartridge-brush. However, it was the dripping brush which lead to the spill, which gave rise to the much improved lower half. So.

    As to my intent, he was supposed to be dancing. But putting out firey hands is good, too.


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