With the mullet. Former Minnesota governor and current candidate for the Republican nomination for POTUS, Tim Pawlenty, has a problem. People think he is boring. To be fair, he is. In the rare case where they talk about him, it is usually to point out how few people care about the guy. He might have avoided this issue if he had just refrained from cutting his hair back in 2008. You see, Tim's biggest problem isn't that he puts pundits to sleep, but his lack of a hockey mullet. With that funky hair style he once had, people would have been happily talking about him. Sure, they would have been making fun of the dude, but not in any sort of damaging fashion. Rather, it would have turned his biggest weakness into a strength. If people looked at him, and thought he was a goof, the fact that he is actually dry would make him seem 'serious' and 'electable' in contrast to expectations. Meanwhile, the mullet would have given him an immediate sense...
Anything, everything, and nothing at all for years at a time.