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More political thoughts and observations

-On his June 26 Meet the Press appearance, Gov. Chris Christie blithely said the US murdered Osama bin Laden.  "I do think that we have achieved a lot of what we wanted to achieve in Afghanistan, especially after the murder of bin Laden."  Bizarre word choice for an American, let alone a politician of national stature.  Still weirder to throw the claim out there in such cavalier fashion.  I assume murder is still a serious charge in New Jersey.

-Tea-Party-style Republicans are willing to make a deal with Obama, so long as it only contains cuts like ethanol subsidies.  Admittedly, ethanol is a largely ineffectual waste, the greatest effect of which is to cause food to cost more, but it's also a major interest/industry in several states key to any victory in the Electoral College.  In other words, doing away with ethanol subsidies means doing away with one's chance to be elected President of the United States of America any time soon.

-Similarly, Mitch McConnell's awesome 'compromise' plan to allow the President to raise the debt ceiling by himself (so long as Obama names areas he is willing to cut, but without any guarantee of these cuts passing Congress) is brilliant.  It sets Obama up to seem to be the only one responsible for increasing the debt (despite Congress holding the purse-strings), allows his enemies to go after him for specific cuts (which they will conveniently oppose), and (since they will oppose these cuts) it will leave Obama looking week and ineffectual--all while letting Republicans say they fought for cuts and attained concessions from the President.  It's just too bad this maneuver is in the name of protecting tax cuts for rich corporations and individuals.

-I am tired of hearing about "front-runners" in races that haven't even started or have just barely begun.  No one calls the favourite in a marathon the front-runner before anyone's running.  No one cares about who seems to be in the lead two paces in.  Polls change from day to day, most voters aren't even paying attention at this point, no one's cast a vote, and most of those running are going to drop out two or three states in to the fifty to go, but the media's got Mitt Romney as the front-runner in the Republican race for the nomination for the national race for President.  There have to be a few newsfolk out there who feel silly saying the things they do, right?


  1. i thought about looking into this impending debt ceiling crisis, but then i decided it's not worth the effort and it's just another thing to have anxiety about.

    unless a person is actually planning on organizing with other people, reading about most things in politics is pointless (heh).
    you (you meaning an individual of the type i described above) can have an opinion, but that's about it. you're not going to change anything. you're not going to gain any more control over your life because you're not able to spur the Congress to action in accordance with your plans. you're just going to sit on your plans and your criticisms until you die.

  2. Granted, if I wanted to do more than spin my wheels, I'd need to do more than just look at what's going on and offer my take on it all. But, honestly, I don't think what I've written about requires action from a grass-roots level.

    The optimal outcome from my view is so far away from what's being talked about as to be out of the realm of present possibility. What I think should happen is Congress should pass the debt ceiling extension, by itself, post haste, and forget about cutting the budget. Instead, they should focus on job creation, preferably with a real stimulus package aimed at rebuilding our national and local infrastructures, lessening the fiscal burden on state and local governments, reestablishing our rare earths claims, and pushing for serious progress in renewable, non-plant-based fuels. This is not going to happen when the Democrats are borrowing Republican talking points about the 'looming debt crisis', despite it being less imminent than the current recession.

    For now, Obama and his allies cannot back down from their current rhetoric. They probably won't be able to change tacks until the election cycle is over. And, of course, since the Republicans are in control of the House, and can effectively nullify any bill in the Senate, reasonable action is not available to the federal government. Instead, it's all about how close to the bone we'll cut our social services at a time when people are already on the brink. (Or, if everything keeps going at this rate, Obama will have to just ignore the debt ceiling, and face the political consequences, including total gridlock and possible impeachment proceedings.)

    So I'm good with just talking for now. As long as I treat it like a game, the outcome will be less dissatisfying.

  3. I find your attitude amusing. But also sad.

  4. Which is how I see our current situation.


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