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My scanner is up and running!

Birds are a known source of mischief and poop.

This bird is not modelled on anything real, though the pose is taken in part from my memory of an African grey parrot which used to terrorize my house whenever my mom decided to let the thing run free.  The majority of birds are feathered, little dinosaurs, and should be eaten.

Photoshop Issues (yes, with a capital 'I') at the right margin are due to my wish to keep the balance it had when I drew the thing around several holes punched in its side.  I suck at Photoshop, but I'm still better at using it than getting a good photo of a drawing out of my phone. So, hurrah for my revived scanner and all it offers.  Hurrah!

As a part of my crusade against birds, here is Werner Herzog on the stupidity of chickens.


  1. I like how the solitary, self reliant, careful planner survives till the end of the story, whereas the gung-ho, lackadaisical/business as usual types get their eyes pecked out

  2. Myself, I like how the domestic animals escape all harm.


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