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For Every Problem, a Solution (1)

Part 1 of a series where every problem's solution is the same.


  1. porferio diaz5/31/2012 11:19 PM

    You're really good at drawing Clint Eastwood's eye!

  2. I want to add that...a couple days ago I was driving around and I saw a local church that had on the bulletin board outside on its lawn, by the road, a message that read something like "The Bible has the answer for all of your problems"...

    it surprisingly made me think of this comic...

  3. Thank you, Diaz. If I could specialize in any kind of eye, it would be Mr. Eastwood's.

    As to the Bible and it's solutions, it, too, ends up in favour of killing at least one white man. I don't know if a guy in his mid-thirties counts as old, though. As far as gods go, it seems fairly young.


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