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I have five suggestions for liberals, progressives, and others on the left:

1) When talking about a Republican in Congress, specifically mention and tie that person to 'Republicans in Congress'. National approval ratings for the Republican party are nagative. The numbers for Congress are dire. Republicans in Congress are in charge of it, across the board. They own it, for now. They should be tied to it, and given the recognition they deserve.

Most people do not know who Representative Jason Chaffetz is. A lot of people don't know who Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are. But they know 'Republicans in Congress'. Locally, folks are more likely to know (and support) their representatives or senators, but they don't really see those politicians as part of the general problem. Hence, 'Republicans in Congress'.

2) Similarly, when talking about something a member of the Trump administration has done, make sure to tie it to the Trump administration, right off the bat, and as often as possible. Amongst various surrogates, and with Trump himself, the message and tactics are the same. They should be banded together. Trump is all about branding. Help him out with that.

3) Stop calling your opponents stupid. It may sometimes be true. It is often tempting (trust me, I know). But it never works to your advantage. It only lowers expectations. It helped get G. W. Bush elected as governor of Texas, and then as POTUS. It helped Trump eke out a victory. Kill with kindness. Raise expectations.

Marc Anthony didn't run Caesar's assassins out of Rome by denigrating them, right? There are all sorts of ways to express disapproval.

4) Please don't push for another uncharismatic presidential candidate. Charisma isn't everything, but if Al Gore, John Kerry, or Hillary Clinton had had an ounce of it, they almost certainly would have won their respective elections. I know you like Elizabeth Warren, but she would make a miserable national candidate.

Stop sabotaging your goals. Be smart.

5) Vote.


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