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4 Panel Comic Artists Take Selves Too Seriously

Overblown, rhetorical shit storm ensues.

If all you're doing is churning out petty entertainment, that's cool. But, seriously, if you're writing gag strips, and people are paying you for this, even when you're late, even when your material is lousy, even though its supposed to be free, you ought to at least be able to calmly resign yourself to having some unknown dudes putting down their take on webcomics as a whole (including your work in specific). Even when one of those guys spouting off happens to be getting his thoughts published by some small-time press, you ought to be happy just to be paid for doing comedic work. Shoot, you get a sense of humour and maybe a dose of humility while you're at it.

Don't get me wrong, now. Anger over petty nonsense is an understandable response to being a humourist. If everything you do professionally is absurd, why not apply the same approach to the rest of your public life? I can respect it if that's what's driving this silly-ass blogging I've had the unfortunate happenstance to stumble onto out there (and, which I am now sharing for God knows what foolish reason). I am down with ridiculous, pointless, and frivolous action. I dig it. But, somehow, I can't help thinking a lot of these cats are downright serious.

Should that make the whole thing funnier? Probably, but I was laughing already.


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