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Pointless Man: Death to Pretty Boy Groups! (1)

Page one of an eleven page epic sets the stage for Pointless Man's battle with the boy bands of the late '90s. For those unfamiliar with boy bands, and unwilling to do a bit of research on their own, don't worry. There's an afterword which should clear up any confusion.

There's a bit of text on this page which you will probably have trouble making out at this resolution. It says, "Yes, in his tireless search for a way to end all evil, PM has extended his criteria of wickedness. First, it was the foolish, then--no, wait. First, it was the ignorant, then the foolish, and, finally, annoying people, too, were considered evil. --Luckily, he forgot to add the forgetful!--" This last aside is near impossible to read, even knowing what's written. What can I say? I'm learning as I go, especially with getting my stuff digitized.

This has been a while in the making, dating back to an original one page comic drawn in '99 and placed on my dorm room door, but it's finally finished. Now, it's just a matter of going through and cleaning up the other pages. I hope to get two pages up a week or so.

Look forward to it. All six of you.


  1. This is good. I like your sense of humor and the art and narration conveys it well.

  2. err..narration/dialogue that is

  3. Thanks a lot. I appreciate the compliments. Please, feel free to point others to the page.


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