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For Every Problem, a Solution (3)

Nat Turner and John Brown are both famous in the United States for having lead failed slave rebellions in the decades before the U.S. Civil War.  They have each inspired several artistic and historical works.  I read "The Confessions of Nat Turner" when I was 14, but have yet to read "John Brown's Body".

The KKK are, of course, racist dicks who Superman beat up.


  1. You had me at the first panel.

    Why's there a flying Klan member in the second panel?

    I've heard there was a Klan active around where I went to high school, up until a couple decades ago...

  2. Yeah. They're still out there somewhere. There are still a few thousand members of various groups calling themselves the Klan, according to Wikipedia and my recollection of statements from the Southern Poverty Law Centre.

    But, really, the Klan has become a sort of bogeyman used both to help white mainstream American society focus its own attention away from much broader, historical racism, and to belittle the import of more 'civilized', contemporary forms of the same. I suppose I'm kind of purpetuating that here, but it's hard to have historical figures engage in adventurous battle with nebulous forces on mist three panels. And, really, why should I engage in anything difficult?

  3. I remember that they used to have names like Imperial Wizard and stuff for their ranks. It was like a little fantasy club for white people.

    I guess I don't think too much about racism. I used to live in Pittsburgh, and most of the time when I was 'out on the streets' by myself the black people I met tried to hustle me, and generally succeeded. They seem to know that I'm an easy mark.

    The thing about racism and stuff like that for me though, is that I don't like to make it a point of attention and act like I pity the victims...because that's their your charity know? I do the same thing with old people and handicapped people too..I don't just assume they need help with things, because some like to do things on their own to have pride.


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