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The cost of getting things done.

Took a test last friday and turned in my first writing assignment for Japanese 311-313 today, and I'm feeling alright about it, I guess. Got an oral test coming up this Friday, and I am not looking forward to that--not that I have a choice. Eh. I get the feeling I'll just be able to squeek by in this class. A 2.5, that's all I need.

Finished colouring the first page of 'Pointless Man: Death to Pretty Boy Bands'. The second page has been inked. Some mistakes were made on both accounts, but the overall product so far has been acceptable. Should be able to pencil the third page by tomorrow. At this pace, I'll be able to have the comic finished and scanned in within a week or two, if I can just get the last few pages scripted to my satisfaction.

I stayed up all last night, partially because of my Japanese assignment, but mostly because I just couldn't sleep. After turning in my homework, I went back to my room, took a sleeping pill, and still found I couldn't get any shuteye for about an hour. Then, suddenly, it was 3pm, so I guess I finally drifted off for a bit. Heh. Bet I look a wreck right now.


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