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Less and more, more or less.

Recently, I haven't been getting enough sleep. Add this to the stress of my Japanese class and the antidepresents I just hopped on, and things are spiraling, man. So, I need more sleep. I also need to study more. I grades suck right now, partly because the class is hard, partly because the grading system is cruel, and partly because I have been out of practice and just plain out of it. So, until the end of the quarter, I'm going to have to study my ass off, cut time on the computer, drop weekend activities, and try to get something like a regular sleeping schedule going on--none of which I have done with any long term success for years now.

Is four weeks long term?


  1. I used to think four weeks was long term, until I had children. Now I keep telling myself that the terrible twos lasting for twenty four months is short term.

  2. breath, simle and meditate for 10 mins...that will help you step outside the box and helpo you truly attack your problem head on...


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