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It's the little things.

Got my test back. I got hammered. Scored 39 out of 58. As far as going any further in Japanese is considered, that's failing. Blah.


  1. Ughhh. Sorry to hear that. Is this because it's an accelerated class, or just that out of practice?

  2. Both, dammit. Both. Before this class, I hadn't really practiced excepting some sparse conversations with Japanese girls for about four years. And I haven't had a regular schedule for probably about the same amount of time, so this whole getting up at 7:45, attending class from 8:30 to 1, and then doing a bunch of homework and's harder than going into construction based labour after years of not working out.

    I am not a daily schedule kinda guy.

    I need to graduate and just get to working in comics so I don't need this shit. Of course, that will likely leave me poor and unknown for all eternity, but, hey, at least I'll enjoy it.

  3. I never actually took a good Spanish class after junior high, so I figured in college I would take some to refresh, and so I could get into grad school. I kind of screwed up, plus got experimented on a bit as well, so it wasn't all that good. I can imagine how hard it would be to take a higher level class after four years of non-use.

    As for doing what you want even though it won't make you rich, better than dreading your job on a daily basis. I certainly hate mine, but the flexibility is nice.


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