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That could just as easily be me sitting there...

...instead of whining in the background. (This is your cue to click on the picture, and read its text. I know, it's a lot of reading. You can put up with it. You're a sport.)

Ah, that eternal question: Scotch or Anime? I can enjoy both, but only one seems appropriate in any given situation. Not that that's stopped me before.

For those wondering what anime this drawing alludes to (thanks to my splendid salesmanship), the Japanese cartoon being referenced is Legend of the Galactic Heroes. The scotch I'd be looking for would be Laphroiag, but I'd probably end up settling for Glenlivet or a bourbon. --No matter what anyone else tells you, the whiskey you're drinking makes a difference. Never, ever even consider purchasing whiskey from the bar's well drinks. Always, always specify your brand. And, for God's sake, stop drinking it 'on the rocks'.--


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